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Ricardo Cycles

Ricardo Cycles both imported and locally made bicycles in South Australia 1) There is very little information available as to who was behind the brand other than an address and phone number in Regency Park, SA. Their first mountain bike was likely produced in 1983 based upon date codes on existing examples and their first Bushbike print ad appearing in January 1984, which was likely prepared and printed in 1983.

Ricardo Cycles started out as Porshe Cycles, with a logo stylistically identical to Porsche's. Somehow they managed to avoid German lawyers for a few years before having to switch brands. Their new Ricardo logo swapped the magpie for an eagle and downsized the coat of arms to a simple shield. Ricardo ceased to exist in 1990.

Porshe Porsche
Spot the differences. The first is from a late 70's BMX Porshe (porscheforum) and the second is from a 2014 Porsche RS mtb (

Jan 1984 Freewheeling
Jan 1984 Freewheeling #23, page 12.

1983 Bushbike

Derailleurs have 1983 date codes. Uses Shimano RS22 (1982-83) derailleurs, and AL11 front. On the introductory ad in Freewheeling #23, it spells the model alternatively as “Bushbike”, “BUSH-BIKE” and “BUSH BIKE.” Their later catalogs spell it as “Bush Bike” and it's always written as Bushbike on the bikes themselves.

1983 Bushbike
1983 Bushbike

1984 Bushbike

Appears to be identical to the 1983 version, except that the inner front chainrings appears to be smaller. Shimano RS22 and AL11 derailleurs.

1984 Bushbike
1984 Bushbike, May 1984 Freewheeling #25, page 49.

1987 Ridge Runner

Shimano Z501 GS (1986-89) rear derailleur, 15 speeds.

1987 Ridge Runner
1987 Ridge Runner bikeforums

1988 Bushbike GS

Upgraded, non-original rear derailleur, original elliptical cranks, u-brakes.

1988 Bushbike GS
1988 Bushbike GS

1989 Karroo

Named after an African thorn tree which likely is the bane of bike tyres.

Shimano Mountain LX (1989 only.)

1989 Karroo
1989 Karroo

1990 Kurrajong

Named after another local plant, the Kurrajong.

The rear derailleur is likely a Shimano Light Action long cage. No exact Shimano catalog matches can be found. Oval tech chainrings.

1990 Kurrajong
1990 Kurrajong

A state in central Australia, the size of France and Germany combined, with a population half that of Berlin.
ricardo/start.1649281864.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/04/06 14:51 by mtbtimeline