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mitchell:start [2021/12/20 10:38] mtbtimelinemitchell:start [2024/01/14 16:48] (current) mtbtimeline
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 </blockquote> </blockquote>
-The bike has been lost to time (in Australia somewhere?(([[|retrobike]] "[Charlie] sold it back to Craig and the last I heard of it was in Australia. ")).)+The bike has been lost to time (in Australia somewhere?(([[|retrobike]] "[Charlie] sold it back to Craig and the last I heard of it was in Australia. ")), or perhaps Japan? ((//"That bike frame was commissioned by Charlie Kelly yet it just "wasn't there" unfortunately so over time, it rested in a lotta hands, including mine at one point I 'believe' that it ended up in a Japanese cycling museum so if true, its prob'ly worth more all the money that was paid out for it every time it changed hands."//[[|Stephen Wilde (K&F employee) on facebook]])).)
 Craig later went on to help found [[|White Industries]]. Craig later went on to help found [[|White Industries]].
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 </div> </div>
-<div column 50% #jbx1>+<div column 50% #s1976>
 ---- ----
-===== Craig Mitchell =====+===== 1976 Craig Mitchell =====
 The true first mountain bike? It used all klunker components with Excelsior geometry. And proved to not be good enough.(([[|Charlie Kelly's Website]])) The true first mountain bike? It used all klunker components with Excelsior geometry. And proved to not be good enough.(([[|Charlie Kelly's Website]]))
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  [[| Charlie Kelly's Website]]  [[| Charlie Kelly's Website]]
 </div> </div>
 +<div column 50% #s1977>
 +===== 1977 =====
 +Craig Mitchell on a Sunday Morning ride.  Shimano 500/600 rear derailleur (1976-82.)  
 +<div column 45%>
 +1977.  Photo by Wende Cragg.
 +<div column 50% #s1977b>
 +===== 1977 =====
 +The same bicycle as above, hanging in [[|Sunshine Bikes]], Fairfax, CA.
 +Note the elevated bottom bracket for improved ground clearance.
 +Shimano 500/600 rear derailleur (1976-82.)  Drum brakes rear.   The date is based upon components and evolution.
 +<div column 45%>
 +1977.  Photo by Gene Maruszewski.
 +<div column 50% #s1980>
 +===== 1980 =====
 +Perhaps the first downhill specific MTB, and it is built for speed.  Gigantic front ring, fairing, super-relaxed geometry and uncomfortably aero.  Competed in the March 9, 1980 Reseda to the Sea, organized by [[vva:start|Victor Vincente of America]].((Gary Fisher won the day, with no mention of Craig's effort, according to the race [[|report]].))
 +<div column 45%>
 +1980, photo by Dean Bradley
 +<div column 50% #s1981>
 +===== 1981 =====
 +SunTour Vx-GT rear derailleur, ((//"The B-screw had eclipsed the fixed stop by 1980."// [[
 +num=108&AbsPos=12|velobase]])) (1980-81) (34T capacity).  SunTour Cyclone front (1976-1982).
 +MAFAC Criterium brakes (1946-1985) (painted black).
 +<div column 45%>
 +<div column 50% #s1982>
 +===== 1982 =====
 +//"What's a mother to do?"//
 +A slightly more evolved downhill machine than the faired downhill cruiser from 1980.  Yet the components look more primitive.  Drop bars, caliper brakes, perhaps a Shimano Altus derailleur (1970's-80's).
 +<div column 45%>
 +1982, Photo by Gene Maruszewski.
 <div column 50% #misc> <div column 50% #misc>
mitchell/start.1640025500.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/20 10:38 by mtbtimeline